It's made a huge difference in my own knowledge and has been more valuable to me than most other training platforms I've been a part of. Burp Suite is frequently used when attacking web applications and applications. If you're not already on the platform, I highly recommend it. I'm going to start taking the Port Swigger free classes on BS soon as it's a vital tool in my future goals of becoming a bug bounty hunter. This was one of the first rooms and it involved attacking a web application exploiting a file upload functionality, bypassing file extension whitelisting, and exploiting a SUID. Use intruder attack the login form.ANS answer needed3. This room is part of the TryHackMe’s Offensive Pentesting learning path, which is something a lot of people use when preparing for their OSCP exam. It was a lot of fun, but definitely a piece of software I want to learn more about. Configure Burp Suite Firefox, submit some dummy credentials and intercept the request. It was a room that was definitely more involved than Web Fundamentals.īS taught me how to use a certificate to enable a proxy on firefox to work with Burp, then use that proxy to intercept web browser data, build a target map, actually initiate an injection attack, capture and analyze requests based off of a captured session cookie, encode/decode, and more. But, once I reset I was able to get the room done with no issue. In Burp Suite (BS), I had a little more trouble, primarily due to connection issues.

This is another great Burp Suite room that. Simple objectives teaching you about request formats and cookies. Ive been asked a bunch about doing a walkthrough of the TryHackMe OWASP Juice Shop, so I figured it was time. In Web Fundamentals, you go over, well, the very fundamental building blocks of the internet. Step 1: Find a Client Side Security Control. With that, I've finished a couple more writeups: If that doesnt make sense, sometimes it is easier to understand with a walkthrough. By default, these are: Shortcuts Ctrl + Shift + D Switch to the Dashboard Ctrl + Shift +.

I've finished a couple more rooms (and started another) in my trek for 100 days of TryHackMe. In addition to the menu bar, Burp Suite also has keyboard shortcuts that allow quick navigation to key tabs. 6.2 View another users shopping basket Make sure you are logged in as admin.